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姓 Family Name | 名 Given Names | 性别 Gender | 出生时间 Date of Birth | 出生地点 Place of Birth | 宗教信仰 Religion | |||||||
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国籍 Nationality | 护照号码 Passport No. | 护照签发时间 Passport issuance time | 护照签发地点 Passport issuance Place | 护照有效期限 Passport Expiration Date | 本人电子邮件 Personal Email | |||||||
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本国通讯地址 Home Address in Your Home Country | 婚姻状况 Marital Status | 教育状况 Educational Experience and the Highest Degree Obtained | 工作经历 Professional Experience | |||||||||
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紧急情况联系人及联系方式Contact person in emergency (Name, Relationship, Phone, Fax, Email) | 本国 Home country | | ||||||||||
中国China (if applicable) | | |||||||||||
拟在华学习期限,抵达学校时间 需声明的其他事项 Desired Length of Studying at CCMC Date of Arrival, and other issues need to inform CCMC | 学费支付方式 Payment methods | 此栏贴申请人的彩色护照照片 Please attach a passport-sized color photo in this space. | ||||||||||
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来华留学经费来源Source of Funding | ||||||||||||
奖学金 /Scholarship□;自费 /Self-supporting□;其他 / Other□ | ||||||||||||
经济担保人或机构 / Financial support will be provided by: | ||||||||||||
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Go on to the next page
请阐述来华留学的动机和目的Please explain the motivation and purpose of studying in China | ||
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请阐述现有汉语水平,包括:[1]您在何地学过汉语?学过多长时间? [2]您是否参加过汉语水平考试?如参加过,成绩如何? Please declare your current Chinese Language Proficiency, including (1) Where and for how long have you studied Chinese language?(2)Have you taken HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) before? What is the result if you have? | ||
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学生类别Category of Student | 申请人保证:我已经阅读并理解了本入学申请表上所提出的所有问题,并在此基础上申请到九州平台-九州(中国)学院留学深造。我保证本申请表上填写的所有内容真实无误。如果能够被录取,我将严格遵守中国的相关法律法规和九州平台-九州(中国)学院对留学生管理的有关规章制度。 Certification by Applicant: I have read and understood all the questions set forth in this application, and hereby apply for admission. If accepted, I will comply with all the rules and regulations of Chongqing City Management College. I certify that the information on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Applicant’s Signature: Date of Application:
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长期汉语进修生 Long–Term Chinese Language Training□ 短期汉语进修生 Short–Term Chinese Language Training□ 长期专业进修生 ProfessionalTraining□ 学历生 Degree Study□ | ||
申请专业名称 (Program to Apply) | 申请就读院(系) (School/ Department to Apply) | |
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备注: 填写完毕后,请立即将本人申请表通过信函(传真、电邮)发回九州平台-九州(中国)国际合作与交流中心表上所填内容决定你是否能够被录取的重要依据。
Notice: This form can be returned to the External Cooperation Office upon completion through mail, fax or email. It is very important for the decision whether you will be enrolled or not.
地址: 中国重庆市沙坪坝区虎溪大学城九州平台-九州(中国)国际合作与交流中心邮编: 401331
Add: International Cooperation and Exchange Center, Chongqing City Management College, Huxi Chongqing University Town, Shangpingba District, Chongqing, China 401331
电话(Tel): 0086-23-65626128Email:2057449674@qq.com/gjjlc/
Application Form for Admission to Chongqing City Management College.doc